Friday, October 1, 2010

October Series 2010

October Blog Series:
So I have pretty much failed on my last couple blog series, but it has been several months and I haven’t been blogging lately so I felt like it was time to make another run at a blog series. During the Month of September I spent a lot of time helping my Dad haul in crops from the fields and for whatever reason, while I was thinking of blog series ideas this came up… Things I would like to do, see, or experience before I die/pass on. Now I know the idea of a “bucketlist” is fairly common, heck they even made a movie about it. However I would hesitate to call my list a “bucketlist” because some of the things I plan to include on the list, well their completion isn’t entirely something I can personally control. Things like scientific advancement and performance of others have more of a hand in making the items possible than what I will be able to influence. So with that said, hopefully this will be a great series. I’m not promising a detailed explanation for all entries, as some will be straight forward in nature but hopefully you will find this reading entertaining.
As I’m getting ready to type up my first one blog for the series right now, I realize I need to have some sort of term for this list since I don’t want to use “Bucketlist”. I thought about “achievement list”, but that implies I am responsible for completing the item, and like I said above, I don’t feel like all items are entirely up to anything I can personally control.  So I am going to go with “experience list”… I just think that sounds right.

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