Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct. 17th - Kid

October 17, 2010

Have a Kid

So this is kind of a weird one for me, but its one of those that just makes sense. The thought of having a kid scares me… I mean I’m sure it’s tough and I know it’s expensive. Yet many people my age already have a kid or two. So it’s not like it’s impossible. It just seems like such a big commitment and I really try to avoid any kind of serious long term thing like that, I mean my 5 year car loan seems crazy in length and a kid cost a lot more than a baby. That and a baby has a lot more complex issues and things to worry about, that change over time… As well as you never know really what you are getting in a kid… not even if it’s a boy or girl…. Pretty much every other major decision in life you have the ability to control a lot more of… or at least someone has control over. A kid is a lot of luck/random chance, yes I know that sounds mean… but think about it a little bit, just how random babies/children/humans in general are.

Obviously with my current lack of anything resembling a romantic relationship in my life means this isn’t likely to happen anytime soon, but it’s something you think about when so many people my age are having them. Also I don’t think I could adopt a kid (obviously this viewpoint could change) and still love it as much as I would love something I produced on my own (or at least ½ on my own). That’s obviously something you’d have to experience to know, but my initial feelings are above.

So while yes I’m not planning on having a kid, this is an idea that comes to mind when thinking about a series/topic such as this. I mean this whole series has been about things I want to Experience before I Die…. I think its natural human instinct to want to pass on something to the next generation… to preserve some however small part of your existence... and having a kid has been the longest existing way to do just that.

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