Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct. 23rd - Lair

October 23, 2010

Have a Lair

Doctor Claw Icon Pictures, Images and Photos

So every cool superhero… and some cool celebrities have lairs… You know what I’m talking about, a secret usually underground hang out spot full of cool things. I mean half of the stuff in the lair can be pointless or dumb as long as it looks cool and makes you happy.

The Ideal lair is huge underground… but unsuspecting in the public’s view. I think it would be awesome, I’d probably steal some from Elvis who had three TV’s so that he could watch three news stations at once. Except with so many TV stations out their now I’d have to have way more than 3 TV’s. Honestly it wouldn’t have to be that big of an area for me… Just needs to be a cool one. Also you have to have a theme, I’m not sure what mine would be… maybe something with Hippopotamus’s, that would be pretty original and I like Hippos. The only drawback to this is you pretty much have to be rich to have your own lair.

Of course there also is the ever present question of superhero or supervillian...