After picking up her parents and driving back down to Greensburg we had to stop at Walmart for them to get some supplies, which was fun running around Walmart as they grabbed different things they thought they'd need (they used maybe 25% of what they bought during their stay). Once we got to Erin's grandparents and sat around to talk it was 4 am before I went to bed, and even later before Erin and her Mom called it a night.
The next morning was the 4th of July and I was the first one up in the house as I had to head out the door to go to the Museum as we were open during the parade and had a recent MLB draftee Alex Meyer in to sign autographs after the parade (he was the grand marshall). We had a good turnout for the event and then I headed back to Erin's place around noon, just as Andrew was heading to his family dinner. I sat around with Erin and her Mom for awhile as they discussed the closing arguements of the Casey Anthony Trial and then rushed around trying to get ready for Andrew's family dinner.
It was around 2 when we finally got around to heading to see Andrew's family and it was a nice dinner and they are all really nice people. After a few hours of sitting around their talking and eating we went back to Erin's to get some swimming trunks so that we could swim in the pool at the party, which once we returned we did for several hours. I had a lot of fun, and Erin and I debuted our new sport of water dancing in which we dominated the other competiton in the pool that night. After we left the party we grabbed some Pizza King pizza to have for dinner with Erin and her parents and I headed home.
Tuesday I had work all morning and then headed to Erin's house. Andrew was busy doing stuff with his family, all day so it was just Erin and her Mom. They were disappointed by the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial and talked about that for awhile. Erin and I played some Mario Kart on the N64 before going out to eat with her Mom at El Reparo. It was a pretty laid back and nice day.
Wensday was exciting as we had planned to go canoeing... though the trip was a little delayed (we didn't get down to Brookville until after 2pm) because of how long it took everyone to get ready ha ha. We stopped at the Hearthstone resturant in Metamora to have lunch, and then at CVS in Brookville to get some drinks before we pulled into the canoeing place. We were only in the water for about a quarter of the mile before I was blamed for flipping Erin and my canoe and then had my steering privleges taken away, but it was still a great time. We bottomed out a few places and got stuck once, but after that flip we stayed dry! At one point we stopped to just play in the water and throw rocks. Really the canoe trip was great all around.
After we got back from Canoeing we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and then drove to Shelbyville to go see the movie Bad Teacher. The drinks for the movie were the first thing her parents let me buy all along and I'm really thankful they helped pay for our way to do all the fun stuff we did while they were here. The movie was good, and was a nice ending to the day. I had driven seperate to Shelbyville and went home after the movie. Since I had stayed a couple nights with Erin it sort of made it easier to leave when she had to ride home with her parents. It always sucks leaving her after we have been together for a long time, so maybe it was an ulterior motive in me driving seperate. Either way it was a stupendous day.
Thursday I had to work again and it was Erin's Birthday. Work was uneventful for the most part, I had a board meeting that night so I had to hurry and get ready everything for that. Erin's parents showed up to look at the Museum around 4, but I wasn't able to give them a tour as the board meeting was getting ready to start. I wish I had been able to show them around myself, and felt bad that I was sort of ignoring them so hopefully the understood I couldn't because of the meeting.
After the meeting I went straight to Erin's and gave her the birthday present I had bought and card I had made. The Birthday present was a Roku Box so we can watch netflix movies together via streaming on her TV instead of on the computer with its weak speakers. We watch a lot of movies/tv shows together on netflix so I thought it would be something nice that she'd use. I get to say I "made" her card because I glue maccaroni on it.... It is sort of a joke that I told her months ago that all of the best cards had maccaroni glued on them and that I would do that for her... so I had to buy a box of mac and cheese so that I could make her card..... I think she liked it.
For her choice of dinner we went to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner, it was an intersting experience. As I said in my "Thoughts" blog the prices surprised me a bit, but the food was great. I wished the chef knew a little more English so that we could have interacted with him a bit more. Erin got shrimp tales dumped on her plate which was funny because she despises fish off all kinds. I actually ended up eating the shrimp for everyone in our group since I was the only one who would eat it. The dinner was a fun experience that I'd like to try again and a different Japanese Steakhouse sometime.
On our way to dinner
After dinner Erin had wanted to go putt-putt golfing but when we showed up to GreaTimes, the putt-putt place, they were closed. So we wandered over to the bowling alley that was next door and played a couple games of bowling. We can safely say that no one in the group is going to become a professional bowler anytime soon... I won the first game and Andrew won the second game, but I think everyone had a good time. After we left bowling we got some drinks, which involved some illegal u-turns and a tacobell that was out of Mountain Dew (Erin's nectar of life) before we headed home.
Friday afternoon Erin's parents picked me up on their way to have dinner with Andrew's mom and then take them to the Airport. We ate lunch at O'Charley's and the food was ok... and then we were off to the races to get them to the airport in time. We droppd them off with only a little over an hour to get through security but they weren't worried. (We later heard that Erin's mom had to get the full body scan and the pat down!). It was sad seeing them go even though I had only just met them 5 days prior. Erin even took saying good-by to them really well, I was bracing myself for an hour long ride home with her being very sad and me trying to cheer her up. (Erin when you read this I meant that in a positive way)
Her parents want us to come visit them in Flordia sometime, which I hope we can do maybe sometime this winter to stop in and see them. I had a Wonderful week getting to meet her family and enjoying all the time we spent together.
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