Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thoughts - Celtic Fiddle

Day 31

Last day in the series!

Today I went to a concert held by the Decatur County Historical Society and the Greensburg Public Library as part of their "5th Sunday Musicals" series. This was the first one I went to, (There was one in January but I didn't attend) and had to introduce the artist, Emily Ann Thompson, as well as make sure she got her paycheck.

Overall the music was good, not something I'd normally listen too but it definitely did make you think of Ireland and Scotland as well as her playing some Canadian music (sorry Canada other than O'Canada I can't think of any music that makes me think of you, and she didn't play O'Canada). My only complaint is she made funny faces as she was playing, but that was because she was concentrating so hard on the music. She also tapped/stomped to go along with the music, which I imagine to be very difficult to do while playing the fiddle, as well as playing a piece on the piano and banjo.

She was classically trained in violin and while I liked the Celtic music, I think I would have preferred some classical pieces.

It was a nice performance for Decatur County though in an effort to help broaden the culture of the county.


  1. that actually sounds really interesting, i didn't know about it or i might've tried to go if i wasn't at work =(

  2. Next one is 5th Sunday in October, but its the Greensburg High School Jazz Band, so less intersting I'd guess.
