Sunday, February 6, 2011

28 Things - Marvin

28 Thing Is a blog series in which I will briefly talk about a different thing in my room every day, and post a picture of said item.

February 6th- Marvin the Martian


Well I guess since yesterdays post was a stuffed animal I’ll keep in the theme and post another one I have, Marvin the Martian. (I promise you not all of these 28 things are childhood toys ;) but hey they happen to be the things I have a lot of memories of / things to talk about)

Marvin is/was my favorite Looney Toon, even though he didn’t star in very many of those cartoons. I got this guy when I was probably 10, at Fannie Farkle’s arcade in Gatlinburg, Tennessee* on a family vacation. I have no idea how many tickets he cost but I’m sure it was a lot. Mom and Dad obviously where responsible for winning him for the most part as I was dependant on them pitching in tickets as well as giving me the money to earn my tickets.

I never really played with him that much and he has sat in my closet for most of the time I’ve had him, but he reminds me of family vacations when I was little, and I think he is pretty cool.

*I also totally found a 10 year old coupon of saved tickets for this place in my room and took it with me when I went to Gatlinburg this year… but forgot to spend it! It’s in my wallet right now. Also here is a link to their arcade:


  1. I never knew he was your favorite looney toon character :) Do you think the arcade would still take the tickets?

  2. I think they would take the tickets, Its signed by hand and there aren't a lot of them. Plus no exp date.
