Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8th - Languages

So today’s list is Six Languages other than English you wish you could speak….

I took French in High school and in college because I had too… and well I pretty much sucked at it, but I didn’t have the desire, motivation, or patience to learn and what I did learn well I forgot most of it already. For one I wish I had picked a different language, but that’s in the past. I think everyone has at sometime been standing in line somewhere or been at a restaurant when they heard some other people talking in a foreign language and you wish you knew what they were saying… at least it happens to me all the time, I mean I know it’s pointless chit chat but when you don’t understand it, well it makes you curious. So if you could instantly learn a language what would it be?

Spanish – This is at the top because it is the most practical, I mean I hear it every day from our housekeepers and there are more and more Spanish speaking people moving into the country all the time. So knowing this language would help more on an everyday level than any other.

Chinese (Mandarin) – again another popular language in the world that would be useful to know, I mean they are the most populated country in the world and quickly becoming a global super power. While they do speak multiple dialects if I knew Mandarin it would be cool.

Russian – This one isn’t practical like the first two, I just always thought it was a cool language.

Arabic – This one is on the list because it is a super job asset to have if you are looking for career advancement in this day of age.

An African Click language – Just cool, enough said

Japanese – It would be interesting to visit Japan, and knowing the language would help in that regard plus they are a friendly country with us and a lot of people speak Japanese.

There you have it Six Languages I think it would be cool to know how to speak fluently.

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