Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21st - Holidays

So my Dad calls Father’s Day a made up holiday just to sell cards, and always insist he doesn’t want anything for Father’s Day. So in honor of him and Father’s Day, here is my list of the six most pointless holidays that show up on most American calendars. I put the most calendar’s clause in there because there is pretty much a “holiday” everyday of the year, but most of those are so pointless they can’t even make it onto a calendar so they aren’t worthwhile enough for me to rank in this list ;)

6. Flag Day – June 14th

I’m not trying to be Anti-Patroitic here… but really everyone ignores this holiday and its not like the Flag doesn’t get respect paid for it on other days as well. Really the Flag stands for the United States and the people that make up it, so when we pay tribute on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veterans Day. So it’s almost a dishonor that Flag Day gets ignored the way it does.

5. Columbus Day – 2nd Monday in October

Ok so Columbus wasn’t even the first person to discover the new world, and well its only a bank/postal holiday as it is anyway. He did some great things that paved the way for other explorers.. but he wasn’t the greatest explorer anyway… it would be better if we had a day to celebrate all of the great explorers of the New World. This has only been a Federal Holiday since 1970, and we found out the Vikings were first shortly thereafter so it’s not going to damage a tradition to get rid of it or change it.

4. Earth Day – April 22nd

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the environment and stuff… but Earth Day is basically ignored by everyone, I mean we have Arbor Day for trees, and a ton of other awareness days that don’t make it onto calendars Earth day is basically a combination of all of these environment days.

3. President’s Day – 3rd Monday in February

Honestly, do the presidents actually need a day in their honor? After you are elected president you pretty much get honored every day for the rest of your life, and heck after you are out of office people even quit trying to rip you apart and you can live peacefully even if you did a crappy job… people eventually forget about that given time – see Jimmy Carter.

2. Thanksgiving (Canada) – 2nd Monday in October

Pretty much shows up on the list to remind us that Canadians have a different Thanksgiving than us? I mean honestly who cares and why is it on the list? Maybe so we can white out the (Canada) and try to trick our boss into giving us an extra holiday?

1. Boxing Day (Canada) – December 26th

This is #1 because like Canadian Thanksgiving it shouldn’t even be on our calendars! First off they always put the (Canada) behind it… just in case we forgot that we don’t celebrate it here in

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