Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22nd - Meat

First off a quick disclaimer on this list, it’s not meant to offend any vegetarians you guys are cool and I respect your non-meat choices – and besides I’m willing to bet I eat more servings of vegetables in a day than the majority of vegetarians out there anyway.

However, today’s list is the top six animals I would like to eat. I like to try different animals out I figure everything is worth trying once; not just your standard beef, pork, chicken and fish. Some of the more interesting animals I have had are alligator, ostrich-emu-rhea, squirrel, crickets along with your more standard lamb, deer, goat, rabbit, duck, goose, octopus and elk. But what exotic animals are on the list that I would like to try.

1. Bear – I’ve heard of pioneers and wilderness people eating bears, and I think it would be interesting to try one. I don’t really know what one would taste like now that I think of it but bear seems like a manly meat.

2. Hippopotamus – I imaging this would be a fatty piece of meat, but I think hippos are cool, and they are kind of cow like so I imagine it would be edible though I must admit I have never ever heard of any one or any group of people that eat the hippo. I’d imagine this is because they aren’t hunted for any valuable item and they are dangerous to be around do to their size and aggressiveness.

3. Lion – Something about the idea of eating the kind of the jungle just seems cool to me. I have heard of people eating lions before, but more for the idea of gaining its strength than for it being a tasty treat.

4. Elephant – Kind of going along with the lion with how the Elephant is the king of its domain, I have heard the heart of the elephant was at one time considered a delicacy but considering they are endangered species now I don’t think I’d ever have the chance to try elephant.

5. Snake – I know people eat these, so of my list this would be the easiest to get a taste of. I’ve heard they taste like chicken but that’s what people say about pretty much any meat that doesn’t “taste like beef” oh well.

6. Dog – now this is where people will get upset… I’m just saying if visited Korea or some place and it was on the menu I’d give it a sample… I’m not going to go kill a dog or anything but if I was at a restaurant where it was part of a traditional dish I wouldn’t be opposed to giving it at least a taste.

If there was a # 7 on this list it would be a penguin now that I think of it, actually It should defiantly be in there.

Ok so there is my list, hopefully I didn’t offend anyone too much.

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