Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jun. 2nd - ToDo

Six things to do before I'm 30…

So I’m 24 now… I feel old… my 5 year high school reunion is in like 2 weeks, seems crazy but I feel old.. I’m out of high school, out of college, have a job that I’m basically a work-a-holic at (60+ hr weeks with no clue until the last minute as to what day (days if I’m lucky) I’ll get off from week to week, seem to be the norm) So I was thinking what are 6 things I would like to do/achieve/accomplish before I turn 30?

1. Visit Ankor Wat

Honestly I have no idea when I ever got the desire to visit this historic monument, but it has always interested me. However going to Cambodia (where its located) seems like a dangerous proposition, though Ankor Wat is in a tourist area due to its attraction, I doubt I'll ever go as I am unable to spend money wastefully without feeling guilty and it would take me a long time to justify the expense.

Machu Pichu would be another exotic destination I’d love to visit some day… but I’ll just put one crazy trip on my list for now… maybe that could be before I turn 40?

2. Hike over a mountain

I stole this one from my Dad, he wants to hike over one of the Smokey Mountains next year, I think it is an awesome idea. Take a backpack head out in the morning hike all day (maybe spend the night on the mountain) and hike all the way over the mountain and to the other side like the mountain folk used to do. I think it would be a fun adventure, I’d even be up for doing it by myself, as I think it would be a peaceful/relaxing challenge to try.

3. Get a house

I guess this is kinda the American Dream or whatever, but if I did get a house it would mean I was in a stable position and then I could have a pet and whatever (which cost a lot in pet fees if you live in an apartment). So this is my practical/wishful goal… of course I could go into my plan for a grain bin house (still would be super dooper awesome by the way… and take some of the practical part out of it.)

4. Travel somewhere spontaneously

This one is sort of stole from one of my best friends, Megan as in July she is going to drive along Route 66 in a totally unplanned vacation adventure. I think this is a cool idea and am very jealous of her and her sisters.

5. Participate in the Running of the Bulls

Crazy… probably but I have always thought that this looked like fun, and I’m in decent enough shape to do it… It would be a thrill and a story you could always tell people.

6. Get in a relationship

Ok not to be seintemental or anything, but I’m 24 now and never really been in anything close to a serious relationship. I’m more of a loaner and haven’t really felt the desire to be in one honestly… but at the same time I feel weird for not having experience that.. like maybe I’m missing out on something, but I live in a town where I don’t know anyone, and work a job where my free time is little and often far between so the odds of this happening soon are slim to none.. maybe this one is for closer to 30? Plus I don’t know if I would even like being emotionally attached to someone that closely… I’m not even that emotional of a guy I keep my opinions to myself and only have a few close friends. However this feels like something I should want so I’ll throw it on the list to finish things up.

So there we are my list for today!

with pictures at:
Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=53935558&blogId=492634005#ixzz13ofjAPL2

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