Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Thoughts - Start

• Nov. 1st

So when I was trying to come up with what to write about, daylights savings time was the first thing that jumped to my mind… but since most people know I’m strongly against it (maybe I’ll post something about it later.) I have decided to talk about Horror films today.

So I like horror movies, there are hundreds of them out there and obviously I haven’t seen them all by a long shot and am always willing to listen to suggestions as to some good ones to watch. Now is when you are expecting to give a list of like the top six horror films in my opinion… but hey my summer six pack was back in June so I’m going to list my favorites in categories I am making up right now.

I would love to see remade: The Severed Hand

I have this movie as part of my 50 horror classics DVD, it was a very low budget film made in the 70’s the lighting and camera work is beyond dreadful. The story on the other hand is strong for your average horror movie and makes it watchable. I wouldn’t recommend it to most people, but I liked it and see a lot of potential

Best from the 50’s: House on Haunted Hill (1959)

The Vincent Price classic, this movie taught me the dangers and advantages to keeping a vat of acid in ones basement.

Best from the 60’s: Spider Baby (1968)

Another one a lot of people haven’t ever heard of, but this movie has a creepy factor that has survived the test of time. Let’s face it most 50’s and 60’s horror comes of more humorous now days.

Best from the 70’s: Halloween (1978)

The 70’s had a ton of horror hits; but I’ll take this classic along with the best horror theme song ever.

Best from the 80’s: A Nightmare on Elm Street

Can’t say I’m a big fan of 80’s horror but I’ll take this classic but overall this was a much weaker decade than the 70’s

Best from the 90’s: Candyman

I can’t say the sequels were good but I liked the first installment in this series.

Best from the 2000’s: 1408

A creepy movie that messes with your mind, I’m a big fan of it though I know a couple people who said they didn’t understand 1408 .

Best yet to be made: Cinco de Murder (pre-production)

Ok so I helped write this and am cast to be one of the stars… but it’s going to be a classic I tell you a classic! Right now the hold up is we are having to recast the role of one of the characters due to an untimely death in the summer of 2008.

Best quick ending summary: Attack of the Giant leaches

In the last 30 seconds of the movie they sum up the giant leaches appearance by blaming radiation.

Best Horror Comedy: Behind the mask, the Rise of Leslie Vernon

A fake documentary following a serial killer named Leslie Vernon, explaining the ins and outs of the trade.

Honorable mention: One Body too Many

Most annoying Horror movie trait: The high pitched piano clang sounds in Japanesse horror films that are there to warn you “oh no something scary is going to happen”

Overall I’m not a Japanese Horror fan, The American remake of the Ring was good but honestly all other Japanese horror or Japanese inspired horror movies have left me vastly disappointed.

Most Overrated: The Shinning

Has several very classic moments… but let’s face it this movie is over an hour too long.

Honorable mention: Psycho

Best Series: Saw

Yeah Horror movies go downhill fast after the 2nd or 3rd installment… Jason X anyone? But I am still a fan of the series even though it makes less and less sense each time. A few more poor sequels though and I’ll move on to something else as my top pick.

Worst Horror Movie: Skeleton Man

Horrible, Terrible, Awful… enough said

Horror monster that you wish they never showed the face of: Jeepers Creepers

That monster was good until they showed its face… ruined the fear factor after that.

Most disturbing: Hostel

I haven’t seen the second one but the first Hostel was pretty brutal, not scary or creepy just brutal.

So there you have it, would love to get some feedback on your thoughts and opinions, no right or wrong answers here just calling it as I see it.

I know I got over my 100 word minimum so it looks like things are off to a good start this month.

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