Bad year for Pizza?
So I was reading this news article about the 15 hardest hit franchises during this years financial struggles - Link
The thing that jumped out at me? 5 of the top 15 where pizza chains! I didn't think pizza places would have been that affected by the economic down turn. I guess people must be buying more frozen piazzs? It just seems like a staple in the American families diet that it would almost be recession proof.
So what made it hard on pizza chains? I'm sure there are some franchise rules / agreements that may have made it hard on the pizza places. I know from working at hotels that sometimes franchise agreements can be a real pain. Take my Candlewood for example we have to buy certain products from certain vendors, or in our store it has to be on the honor system (even though we know people steal from us). If you don't follow the franchise rules they can fine you for breaking the agreement.
I have no idea how much the franchise fee is for a pizza place but its sizeable for a hotel. The money goes into marketing and promotions geared to drive more business and higher revenues. One thing I noticed was that the five chains were lesser known ones that you don't see advertised much, so maybe their marketing departments let them down?
Anyway I was surprised to see the number of pizza places on the list, I figured food places would be high because there are a lot of franchises in restaurants but I thought it would be more like health or specialty food chains not a staple like pizza.
Since my first topic was more serious than ususal
Bonus topic - the word Exude
So today I was going through applications for work and I learned a new word "Exude" it means to ooze or emit, as in someone Exude's excellent customer service.
This brought to mind the image of someone with this green goo like slowly dripping off a waitress standing in a restaurant and a whole bunch of people running over to her because of how awesome the customer service is that is falling to the floor like green blobs of jello.
And yes I know this a completely random thought but it was stuck in my head for awhile
So lets recap what we learned:
Exude = too ooze forth from
The Essence of Customer Service = a substance kinda like green jello
If only I had this picture in one of my elementary class rooms.
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