In honor of Megan and Emily who came up to the hotel on Saturday to celebrate their birthdays (along with Morgan the third non-birthday sister)
Honestly to me birthdays have never really been that big of a deal, my most memorable birthday was my 13th in which I totaled my Dad's truck (great way to kick off your birthday right?). I know I had at least one birthday party when I was little (I've seen pictures, I had a baseball glove cake). But really the day was never really anything too special other than you got to pick out where we went out to eat at, at our house. Even Casey never really had a big birthday celebration either until recently when she had he tea party for her twentieth birthday. That said I don't really feel like I missed out on anything special.
Both Megan and Emily had commented they would like to have a big party, so I guess inviting one friend (me to Megan) or a complete stranger (me to Emily) and your sisters isn't a big party :) I never really even wanted to have a big party though. I remember in elementary school kids use to have their parties at the roller rink in Greensburg, but I never even liked going to other kids birthdays now that I think of it back then.
Maybe I'm a birthday scrooge, or maybe I just never had enough close friends to fill up a real birthday party.
My favorite Birthday gift, was probably the playhouse/fort my Dad built my sister and I when we were little, this was a two story playhouse (which is now a one story chicken house), that housed some of the greatest squirt gun fights known to man... or at least it seemed like it at the time.
One final observation is the fact that Emily was mortified that she was turning 16 and how it would be the worst year of her life. I hope everyone doesn't go into a year expecting it will be their worst one, but if your worst year is your 16th I guess it can only get better from then on out right? I'm not sure what my worst year was.
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