Kendra, of reality TV fame and "the girl next door" fame. (a former playboy bunny who was a live in girlfriend of Hugh) called our hotel "tiny". She had the biggest room type in the hotel and well its bigger than my apartment. Its funny when you think about things from other peoples perspectives. Granted she did have two small dogs and her husband living with her when she stayed at our hotel however she was with us a pretty short amount of time. I wonder what she would say if told there are people who have lived in the smaller room type than her for months longer than she did?
They have now since moved to a mansion in Carmel in the same division where Jermaine O'neal used to live, though the article said they are planning to move to LA as soon as the season is over. I have never seen her show but I might have to tune in for an episode or two now that I know who she is and everything. I guess this is as close as I have ever been to knowing someone famous. It will be interesting to see if the Colts resign Hank Basket and if they do will she end up moving back to Indy?
*note* none of this is meant to be negative, just talking about perspectives the only interactions I had with her where friendly and positive :) I wish her and Hank the best of luck.
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