People - 2
My mom has been one of the most supportive people in my life, and while Casey and I tease her about some of the things she did when we were little (such as not letting us ride our bikes past the stop sign on the road) she has always been there for us.
My last post was about pets, and well Mom is the main reason we got to keep a lot of those pets and the reason Kong is an inside cat. Dad's farmers outlook on pets isn't as loving as Moms so she was influential in getting the majority of them.
It's coming up on Christmas time and that is probably Mom's biggest holiday, while she isn't that into the decorating part, she likes giving gifts. Casey and I always have lots to open on Christmas, even if some are toothpaste, deoderant and the like, she makes sure we have the same number of gifts to open and just loves the opening part in general.
I know sometimes Erin feels awkward when my Mom randomly gets her a gift, but thats one of her ways of saying she likes and and loves us.
Mom has been an elemenrtry/High School librarian for I think 28 years now, so she has always been caring towards kids, it made it easy going to Elementry School when I was little with my Mom working there. We rarely had to ride the bus because we could catch rides with her.
She is one of the few Mom's her age that I know who like to play video games, sure its mostly farmville/countrylife style games but she also has a DS and was a big Super Nintendo player back when Yoshi's Island came out.
Overall I couldn't ask for a better mother.
Yes you guys do give her a hard time. ha ha...I still feel awkward about presents. But I guess your learning how it feels. mwhahahaha. She is pretty good to ya'll though....