Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful 12

~This Blog is part of a series for November, adapted from the series Erin is currently running over on her blog. For this month in honor of Thanksgiving I will release a blog every other day about something/one/idea I am Thankful for. I've broken the criteria down into a guideline of sorts that I will follow, the month will contain 5 People - 5 Things - 5 Ideas . The order that I post things in has no particular significance or ranking behind it.~

People - 4

So my limit of 5 people gets kind of tight I noticed when I was trying to come up with todays post, so I'm going to cheat a bit and include 3 people in this one post. My 3 grandparents that I have been lucky enough to know.
Grandma and Grandpa are my Dads parents and they live just across the road from me and always have been great. Casey and I are their only grand kids so its safe to say we have been spoiled somewhat, especially around Christmas time when as a little kid Christmas at the farm was as big as it was at home. We call their house the farm as Dad and Grandpa have always been farmers and Grandpa's house is where all of the equipment has been stored.
I remember them taking me to see my Aunt's basketball teams play, and how we would keep scorecards in the stands to discuss the preformances at the end of the night on the way home. They are where I got my love of basketball from.
My Grammy is my Mom's mom... she is a very nice and caring grandma. We call her Grammy because her last name is also White (insert jokes) and it was confusing to Casey and I when we were little. I remember staying the night at her house on weekends when we were little a lot.

My #1 memory of her was when I was having a horrible allergic reation at her house on the 4th of July of the year before I went into 5th grade.... My face was all swelled up, I couldn't see out of one eye and was struggling to breath, she burst into the emergency room lobby yelling "This is an Emergency, get this kid to a Doctor"

Overall I have great grandparents

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