Song: Paralyzer – Finger 11 this was a cool catchy song, really I don’t know how you can not like it. I’m humming it in my head now. I also thought about putting Harvey Danger’s flag pole sitter as this one, because it was on my playlist when I’d go for walks as this was the year I started losing weight by going on 3 mile walks every day.
Video Game: Guitar Hero II – I honestly wasn’t playing a lot of video games this year, I was still addicted to Hobowars, but console wise things where pretty much dead until next year when I got my Wii. However my roommate at Guitar Hero II and we would play that from time to time, as well as Bruce having is Guitar Hero II release party at the end of 2006, so that carried on some momentum into this year.
News Story: Writers Guild Strike – If you watched TV shows you noticed this, all of the writers went on a strike due to debates on revenue sharing of online sales as well as a few other things and this lead to lots of reruns being played and new reality TV shows (no writers needed) popping up. Many point to this event as the thing that “killed” their favorite series, as many shows such as the hit Heroes never bounced back after the strike.
Personal Event: Family Vacation Arkansas – This summer our family was all home and we figured this might be our last chance for a full family vacation (see 2005 and 2010) so we packed up the car and went on what was probably our most random and one of the most memorable trips we ever took together. The main destination was Carter of Diamonds National Park in Akansas, which is an actual diamond mine where anyone can come and mine and keep whatever they find. Now several business men throughout the years had tried to turn a profit on this land (including Henry Ford) but there just weren’t enough quantity to be mined so it ended up in government hands, and is now a park for everyone. We mined two days, however we found nothing…
But the diamond mine wasn’t our only stops, I picked James K. Polk’s house as my choice on the trip, Casey picked Graceland, and Mom picked Historic Washington, Arkansas as well as the Gateway Arc in St. Louis and Grant’s farm. So we had a lot of fun stops along the way! I video taped the vacation and I have to say this was my favorite vacation of all time. Also before I wrap this up I feel compelled to mention Lambert’s Café home of the Thrown Roll (awesome food) and
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