Song Hey Ya – Outkast – A cool little rap/pop song that reminds me of this year, it was huge and played all of the time and I liked it then as I do now. It’s just simply one of those songs that bring back memories of this year.

Video Game: Eternal Darkness – This came out in 2002, but if I remember correctly this game took its rounds among my circle of friends this year, honestly this is probably my favorite GameCube title of all time. The Sanity meter was an awesome feature and it had an interesting story.

News Story: The Iraq war, my views on this have changed a little over time, I remember at the start I fully supported going in and removing Saddam. (I actually still support the removing of him) But my political views have become more libertarian since then and I see little use in staying over in Iraq as long as we have… currently the war is officially over… but we still have troops there. The rebuilding effort, I wasn’t much behind.

Personal Event: I had a hard time picking this one as nothing of note jumped out at me at first, but this was the summer I went to Hoosier Boys State, which was this summer camp thing that was supposed to teach us about politics and be an honor to go to. I was selected to go for my school, to this event, it was a weeklong thing held at Indiana State University. However, simply put this sucked… They made us march out every morning at like 5:30 am and salute the flag. It was very “text book” government and ignored any real issues in the system. I was disappointed as someone who likes politics in the overall production.
On the other hand later that summer I went on this awesome 4-H trip to the State Fair, where I stayed a week with other 4-Her’s doing fun events and helping out at the State Fair. I wish I knew what it was called. I also got to go to my first concert while at this event… even though it was Kelly Clarkson. It was defiantly a lot more fun that Boys State.

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