Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Blog Challenge!

So a couple weeks ago a good friend of mine, Steve aka "Sassy Bill" posted in his blog an idea...

"In other news, I decided to challenge my creativity. Starting on April 1st, I’m going to begin this in something simply called "The Creativity Project" (Maybe the first challenge should be to find a better name, haha).

Once a day for the whole month I’m going to put at least one new entry into it, which will either be a poem, a photograph, or some other attempt at creative expression. It might relate personally to me, or be a photo of something I just found interesting, beautiful, or otherwise meaningful. I really like the idea for this, I just hope I can follow through with it. It’ll be all new stuff, not poetry or photos that I’ve done in the past. Anyone wanna do this with me? We can make a collaborated effort, =D"

Well I’m going to attempt to take up his challenge and post something new everyday for the month of April, so starting tomorrow tune in to see what I can come up with. He is a writer so he has a lot more creativity than I do, so I won’t guarantee my post will all be creative.. .but I will try to post something that is atleast something interesting but you never know what will come out of my mind. My real goal is just to finish this challenge as I am not much of a blogger, in fact I have 2 blogs I have started about trips I took last summer but never finished them to post them :P so yeah we will see how far I make it on this. Wish me luck, and I challenge anyone who actually reads my blogs to join in the challenge even if you start a couple days late. It could be fun/interesting for everyone.

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