The thing I will most miss is being able to go to all of the Purdue sporting events, Basketball games in particular. I went to 8 road games with the Paint Crew and new missed a home basketball game when school was in session (missed a few over winter breaks) these last four years. Had a great time even though my Freshman and Sophomore years were the worst two year period winning % wise in Purdue basketball history. At least we turned it around the last two seasons with trips to the NCAA second round and what looks to be a continuing bright future of talent. Sure there were some times this year due to the new "first come, first serve" policy for Paint Crew seating, that made some games less as enjoyable as others… such as for one game this year I was about 18 rows up in the second level, the worst seating I ever had at a Purdue basketball game (my freshman year we only won 7 games so I was always able to move to one of the first 3-4 rows in the 2nd level) as well as the experiences of standing outside in windchills at zero or below for 3-4 hours just to get a good seat for some of the games. But I did get the experience of walking on both the football field (during a lightning evacuation of one of the games this year) and I got to storm the court after the basketball teams win over Wisconsin. Combine that with the fact I had 5th row tickets my Jr. year for the whole basketball season and I certainly can't complain too much about getting to see Purdue Athletics… though since I can will will again bring up the worst 2 years in Purdue Basketball and being in attendance for "The Fumble" game in 2004 But yeah this is the thing I knew I would miss when you consider my main reason for choosing to go to Purdue, was so that I could watch all of the games and I know that if it's possible I will try to make it up to some games next year.
One of the other great things this year was having a single room, which pretty much rocked. My first 3 years I had roommates, Tom my first roommate was a nice guy but he flunked out after the first year mainly due to his excessive drinking and desire to skip almost all of his classes his 2nd semester. Also my freshman year I was in McCutcheon which was like a ghetto dorm :P 8th floor and the elevators worked maybe 50% of the time that year it seemed, probably because the elevators were like 40 years old and have since been replaced I believe. My Sophmore year my roommate was Karl, he was an alright guy, super smart had a 4.0 as an electrical and computer engineer… but we have like nothing at all in common what so ever, :P hopefully he doesn't come across my MySpace page and read this randomly because he was a good guy, but he had a ton of small habits and ways of doing things that would drive me crazy which I'm sure many of you guys reading this have heard before "King Crab". I'm sure I did stuff that annoyed him as well but oh well, he is in Grad School here at Purdue now, I actually saw him a couple weeks ago when I was at a guest lecture about Islam for an extra credit thing for a class I'm in this semester. My Roommate my Jr. year was Russ he was a cool guy we got along pretty well I think, I haven't kept in touch with him really but I know he has spent this semester studying abroad in Singapore so that is pretty cool I guess. But despite all of that Not having a roommate is by far the best, whole room to myself and I never have to worry about bothering someone else.
I will miss the Co-Rec (the gym) a lot also… before this school year I probably went to the gym maybe 15 times total the first 3 years here…. I'd say I've went over 200 times this school year and I wish I had begun using it before this year. Sure there are sometimes when its crowded and it takes forever to do my workout (which is why I usually go after 10 pm) but membership is included in tuition whereas any gym I go to after I graduate I'll have to pay for. It has great hours which make it easy to get to (5 am – 2 am) its only a 5-6 min walk from my room, whereas I'll have to drive to a gym in the future. Plus it is in my opinion a really nice a well equipped gym (though they are going to plan on building a newer bigger one in the near future)
And lastly I will miss the "routine" of college, I love routines… Most people would call the way I like to do things "getting stuck in a rut" or "doing the same old same old" I think most people would be driven crazy by the way I like to do things the same way over and over :P not to say I don't change every once in awhile, but it's usually a slow a gradual change on thing at a time. I know that whenever I find a job I'll have a chance to fall into another routine so this isn't a major concern really I guess, but there have been some things that have remained relatively the same over a four year period.
Things I still have to do on Campus:
1) Eat at Tarkington Dinning Hall – the only one I haven't ate at that was open during my time here
2) At one time I had a goal to walk in every academic building on campus which I have done probably about 80% of them so I need to get a map and figure out which ones are left.
First Class on Campus my Freshman year was:
MA 151 fast paced "refresher" Pre-Calc/Trig class for Science majors (When I was a Biochem major)
Last Class on Campus my Senior year was:
Phil 330 Philosophy of Eastern Religions (For my Philosophy & Religious Studies minors)
Well I'm not sure what else to put here, this is more of just some thoughts from my last day of actual classes on Purdue's campus. Anything else you guys think would be interesting for me to add, leave it in a comment and I will, hopefully this rambling by me counts as "creativity" I guess you could call it self-reflection creativity
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