Sunday, November 14, 2010

50 things about Emily

The 2nd and last part of my challenge (unless someone else is able to get me to do this for them) to post things about other people I know. Unlike the 100 things I did about her sister Megan I only agreed to do 50 things about Emily as I don't know her as well, and to be honest while filling this out I came to realize I know a lot more about things she doesn't like than about things that she does enjoy and identify with. This realization was kind of disappointing to me as it seemed like I was focusing on things she saw as negative over positive things. So Emily... you need to tell me more about the positive things in your life in the future.

50 things about Emily

1. Her name is Emily

2. By the time I post this she will be 17 years old

3. We had a birthday party for her and Megan at the hotel I worked at in Indianapolis last year.

4. She has 3 sisters and 0 brothers

5. Her oldest sister is named Amanda

6. Her 2nd oldest sister is named Megan

7. Her 3rd oldest sister is Morgan

8. She is on the record as saying one of her life goals is to make it on an episode of Cops

9. She doesn’t have her drivers license yet

10. She has a confederate flag belt buckle, though she claims to hate it.

11. She has thought about being a professional trucker when she grows up

12. She doesn’t know how to whistle yet

13. She is more attracted to African-American men than any other race

14. She likes the color purple

15. If she has a cell phone… she will text like crazy, probably because she is a teenage girl

16. She is a Jr. at school

17. Her bus drivers name is Mark

18. She thinks she could beat me at a wilderness survival challenge

19. She has a game called “Dream Date” and I think she cheated to beat me at it ;)

20. Her nickname is “Jane Austen”

21. However, she has never read any of Jane Austen’s novels.

22. Sometimes she is melodramatic

23. She has a lot more potential than she believes she has

24. She partakes in recreational drugs, at a rate in which I think she should cut back on

25. She hates people of the Catholic religion

26. She likes Ritter’s ice cream.

27. She claims that she hates school

28. She also claims that all of her friends have issues

29. She thinks the majority of my stories are sad/depressing

30. When she gets upset at someone she will likely talk about how she wants to kick their ass, though I don’t think she would actually ever fight someone.

31. She hasn’t ever had a job yet

32. She loves animals, though she is not a vegetarian like some of her sisters

33. When she listens to the radio, she loves to flip stations like crazy.

34. She seems to have a downer outlook on life in general having a pessimistic attitude on almost everything. I think if she was able to have a more positive attitude she would really branch out and enjoy herself more instead of staying in the same pattern that makes her sad/depressed.

35. She has a lot more creative energy than she admits too, she just needs to believe in herself.

36. She hates Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin

37. She has brown hair

38. While she is totally pro women’s rights for most things like abortions… she doesn’t think they should be able to breast feed in public. Even if they use the little towel thing.

39. She claims to hate Ginger’s… but I don’t think that she really hates them that much…

40. Since a lot of this has been about things she hates… she does like the Golden Girls TV show.

41. She is atheist

42. She likes Opossums

43. One of her best quotes ever “You can be yellow…. LIKE PISS”

44. She really like Tupac

45. She likes going to drive-in movies

46. She really likes breadsticks

47. She wants to live in the country and be “country” yet she hates rednecks and hillbillies

48. She loves the Tyler Perry Madea series

49. She doesn’t like bugs and one time flipped out because a tiny little gnat was on her nachos and then she couldn’t eat any more on her plate.

50. Oh also she loves nachos and most mexican food.

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