Monday, November 8, 2010

100 things about me : Part 2

16. I dislike Daylights savings time… so much that I won’t vote for anyone who supported Indiana switching back onto it. I preferred it when Indiana had its own time.

17. I have never broken a bone in my body

18. I still have my Wisdom teeth… but I only have three of them

19. I wear a size 15 shoe in most brands… though 16’s in some like Nike.

20. I HATE shoe shopping, so much that I buy my shoes online now, I think this is because since I always had big feet I felt embarrassed when my parents would ask them what they had in my size instead of letting me pick out what I wanted.

21. Also I have a vow to never buy another pair of new balance shoes, not because they are bad shoes… it’s just that they carry all the way up to size 16 in stock all the time and once my parents found that out they always took me there for new shoes.

22. As for keeping vows.. I’m pretty good at it due to my stubbornness… I once went 2 years without playing on the same team during a video game with one of my friends due to a disagreement that came up while playing a game of Conker’s Bad Fur Day… Not buying a pair of New Balance shoes will be much easier to keep than that one was.

23. When playing video games I’ve been somewhat of a Nintendo loyalist; NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, and Wii I have all owned.

24. Though lately I’ve been won over by Microsoft – Xbox and Xbox360, and the only handheld I’ve owned was a Sega GameGear.

25. I think my favorite video game of all time is a “Zelda” title – Ocarina of Time, though the Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil for the GameCube are up there in the ranking as well.

26. EarthBound a game for SNES is the game I have always wanted to play but never got around too playing.

27. I want to learn how to play the Harmonica… I have one but am not very good at it, and never have put the effort into learning how to play properly/well.

28. I was however in the 5th and 6th grade band as a percussionist… but I wasn’t very good at that either, and like before never really put in the effort… though really I had no desire to ever be in the high school band so I dropped out when I got to Jr. High (7th grade).

29. As you may have noticed from the last two entries, and what I’m sure will pop up again later, I’m not very good at sticking with things that I’m not at least somewhat competent at from early on…

30. I was in the high school choir though, the top one actually, but this was more due to the fact I was a male and not because I was a good singer… in fact my 7th grade year I got an award for being the only guy in choir. I would have quit but didn’t have the heart to tell them no after every other guy had already quit.

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