* brought over from myspace blog so it is lacking proper formatting currently
Ok this blog many of you guys will find boring, but I tend to think about politics from time to time (in case you haven't noticed by a couple of my blogs already) and so I put this together, sums up a lot of my how it would be cool to run for public office thoughts :P Maybe I'll run for a small local office in the 2010.
So I mentioned before how I think it would be cool to run for president, and I've had my TV on some political news today so I figured I would release my handbook on how to run for president: Rough Draft 1 (It's just a rough draft because by the time I'm eligible to run I'm sure I will have had more ideas to add.) It is written from the point of view of someone running as an Independent, Republican and Democrat candidates would obviously have their strategy basically decided for them by party lines.
Step 1: "Go big or go home"
This is the most important thing to remember, as a third party you are the little man out there, so there is absolutely no reason to "play it safe" . If you aren't willing to take risk then you shouldn't even bother trying or wasting the time of anyone willing to put their support behind you.
Step 2: See Rule 1
Can't stress this enough, go all out don't hold back because you have nothing to lose. If you are holding anything back, you don't deserve to be the President… you don't have to play the political party game like the big name candidates, so go all out.
Step 3: Setting up your political party
3a. Picking your party name
Be creative, pick something memorable and that will get people's attention. Let's face it the "Green party" is pretty lame as is the "Independent Party" or the "Constitution Party". Some parties like to go out there and just state what they stand for, take the "Prohibition Party" for example, DON'T do this! Be more mysterious; don't let yourself be defined by your name. Be Bold like Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose Party"! Personally I'd go with the "Jackalope Party" it's nice and American and yet bold and unique.
3b. Picking your party's logo
Again the key is avoiding something lame! The republicans and democrats got their logos assigned to them in political slander, but new parties get to choose their own. Sure the Libertarian party's statue of liberty logo is nice and Americanesque but where is the creativity… and how many of you knew what the Libertarians' logo even was?
I'd probably go with something like this picture Casey drew for me
Why is this a good choice, well first off its memorable compared to most logos, and secondly its BOLD… it says watch out I'm here and I'm serious as well as being fun.. I mean who wouldn't want to buy a campaign shirt with this on it? I'd support the person that's for sure!
3c. Picking your slogan
Another chance to be creative! Today politicians always pick stupid or boring slogans. But in the past there have been some Classics "I Like Ike" (Eisnehower), "Tippacanoe and Tyler Too!" (W. Harrison, "54, 40' or Fight" (Polk), "Speak softly and carry a big stick" (T. Roosevelt) and how about the mudslinging slogans in the 1884 election between Cleveland "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine" (attacking Blaine's shady dealings with railroad tycoons) and Blaine's response "Ma, Ma, Where's my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha" (attacking Cleveland's rumored out-of-wedlock children ) Personally I think the mudslinging campaign slogans are funny, but might be too bold, and you are really depending on your opponents when you make one of them. Here I'd go with something like "White is Right"
3d. Picking your platform
Well having created your own party you can now choose whatever platform you like. I think the key here is picking you positions and sticking to them. Don't pander to both sides, remember you need to go big or go home, so don't be afraid to take solid stands on controversial issues, just be prepared to defend your stance. Also don't take stands on two major issues that contradict each other.. like if you are going to be totally Anti-gun… and then also be Anti-abortion… it's just really distancing yourself from like all voters… so yes go bold but be smart about it.
Step 4: Getting Media attention
4a. Create a Persona
This helps if you really have a cool persona, but if you don't play up yourself to a stereotype. Like if you are a Texan, pretend you really are a hard core cowboy Wear the belt buckle, wear the cowboy hat, wear boots all the time. Sure some people will hate the fact that you are representing a stereotype, but people will remember you! And it will make you stand out, publicity is a hard thing for a 3rd party and you need all you can get. Other Stereotype examples could be ethnic, "big city", or occupational.
4b. Don't be afraid of the tough topic
Referring to the earlier discussion on picking the platform, too often the big name candidate will try to avoid things like illegal immigration. However even when they do decided to touch on tough issues, they never take a firm stance ~ like ending the war in Iraq, or fixing the economy… they all have a "plan" but try to get them to explain it… and well they can't because anyone can say they have one… but often it.s just the same old same old. Anyway back to the main point… The Media likes to focus on people who stir the pot, and by taking a firm stance on a tough topic you will be doing just that.
4c. The internet should be your friend
Ok this is simple; the Internet is cheap and can make people instant celebrity': LonelyGirl15, Obama Girl, and Ron Paul as a political example. Use Youtube, blogs, and facebook to drive support. (Note I realize many candidates do have myspace and youtube accounts and the such, but they don't really utilize them and make them seem personal, that's the key here.) Also don't be afraid to look for promising young artist/video makers to help support your campaign they can probably produce creative/original videos better than some professional companies and would be cheaper.
4d. Talk Radio
Obviouly you got to run the talk radio circuit, but some of those guys are assholes. Don't avoid them, any publicity is good publicity when you are trying to get your name out there. Just be prepared to be attacked for your beliefs and stances, and research your interviewer beforehand.
4e. Media like Crazy…. But serious
If you come off as a crazy guy/gal don't worry about it, the Media loves to show Crazy people and it will get your name out there, which is much better than not having your name out there. But make sure everyone knows you are serious about this campaign. If they don't think you are serious they will drop you and you'll fade into oblivion…. So while being the butt of a few jokes may not be pleasant, remember every candidate gets made fun of in the course of the whole thing.
Step 5: Defending attacks against your campaign
5a. Stick to your guns
So once the other candidates find out how cool you really are they will turn to attack your "crazy views" remember, you (following step 3d) picked your own platform so don't back down. Stand up to them, people like it when you don't seem wishy-washy and stick up for your point so just stick to your guns.
5b. attacks on lack of experience
So yeah this is the legitimate grip they will have on you, but you can just use that I'll surround myself with qualified people defense. Really its about the only option unless you do have experience. Also most of your appointments have to be approved by congress so you are going to have to pick a person they like anyway which means you'll have experienced people around you. (Not that you have to listen to them later though ;) ) Also you might be able to pick up some supporters from the fringes of the main parties by promising cabinet appointments. (Sometimes you got to make the backroom deals.)You can also try to pass off that your opponents probably suck at diplomacy anyway so you won't be any worse than them :P
Step 6: Debates
6a. Hiring your speech writers
This is an important part of your campaign, lets face it most of us can't consistently come up with all the cool and right things to say every time. So you will need a good speech writer… but why go the traditional route and hire one person. Here is where you think outside of the box… find about 5-6 college students to be your speech writing interns, they will work dirt cheap for the job experience and you will get some of the best ones out there. You can have them turn out a bunch of speeches and pick the best one, or combine them to make a really good one. You just have to worry about loyalty problems, so you'll probably need a lawyer to write up some protection clauses because they my rat out some inappropriate comment you make behind the scenes or tell your opponents about your strategies
6b. Keep your persona
If you decided to adopt a persona like I suggested, obviously you need to keep it up in the debates, and make sure you play it to your audience and prospective voters, use it as a means of connection.
6c. Language
Try to avoid the "I love America" and all of those clichés, and heck call out your opponents for it… you aren't antipatriotic if you don't mention it in every answer. I think this could be an interesting play if you do it tactfully.
Also don't worry about using only fancy terminology talk to the people in the peoples terms, they don't care if you are a walking thesaurus.
And finally through it some unique words every once in awhile… make a list of cool words that no one uses very often or in politics and try to sneak them in, just for the fun of it :P
Step 7: Funds
7a. Spend, Spend, Spend
USE your fund raising money (the number one thing that made me mad at Ron Paul this year)Go Big or Go Home… you need to win early and win often so spend it early, don't hoard it till the end or you might be out of the race before you are even in it. If you are winning and making news early you will 1. Raise more money as time goes on and 2. You will have to be covered and be in the media because you are winning. So don't be afraid to spend.
7b. Key personnel
I covered a lot of this already but picking your cabinet, speech writers, and promotional people are key. As I said I support trying to find teams up and coming people to make promotional videos and speeches for you. I think its worth the risk, look at what job-jab was able to do on an election year a couple years back. Maybe you can find the next hit like that just to support your campaign.
Step 8: Overcoming the "my vote won't matter syndrome"
This is by far the hardest challenge if you want to be a legitimate threat to become elected, people simply don't think voting for 3rd party candidates is a worthwhile choice. This is why it is key to get an early start momentum wise and try to carry it through. If you can win one state early, you will show people that yes there vote DOES matter and that you CAN make a difference.
Step 9: Don't Give up!
Even if you are losing you might as well, keep going to the end and enjoy the ride you owe it to yourself…. Unless of course someone offers you a well paying appointment to drop out ;)
Step 10: Just Win
Well I told you how to do it… no umm you just have to go and do it :P
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