Jude's Birthday -
The first of the three birthday get togethers I went to this month was for Erin's dog Jude who celebrated her 3rd birthday. I brought a gift of some dog treats and went to celebrate with Erin, her grandparents, and their other dogs. (several pictures previously posted in a blog on the subject)
Casey's Birthday -
Casey turned 23 on May 6th, we went out to eat at the Nascar grill at the Indiana Live Casino for her birthday. Erin went with us and got to see some horse races for the first time. I got Casey a 24 pack of coke and a 12 pack of vinalla coke for her birthday.
![coke can Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r52/pacmanjones32_2006/untitled.jpg)
Megan Schwering's Birthday -
Megan had a Birthday party at Joe and Chantel's house on Saturday the 7th. It was going to be a big production with 2 bands and everything but at the last minute got toned down and I was kind of glad that happened really. Bruce, Megan S., Joe, Chantel, Brock, Megan B., Arron, Cassie, Erin and myself all attended. It was an intersting night and was nice to get together with people.
![birthday Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i0006.photobucket.com/albums/0006/findstuff22/Best%20Images/Quotes%20and%20Sayings/birthday1.jpg)
Thor -
Went to see the movie Thor with Bruce, Megan and Erin one night. Bruce and Erin really liked it while Megan and myself weren't as impressed. (note I didn't think it was a bad movie, just wasn't as good as I was hoping) after that we went out to eat at Buffal Wild Wings. It was a fun night.
Counting Steps -
My Aunt Pam's school was having a step/walking challenge and she asked Casey and I to carry a pedometer in place of a couple of the teachers at school, and that we would get the prize if our team reached the goal. We were on teams of 5 and had to get 1,000,000 steps per team to earn a 25 dollar check. I ended up scoring over 400,000 steps for my team and will be getting a prize check. Though Erin does think it's silly that I wear the thing. I'm going to keep wearing it the summer because if I walk 500 miles as an individual I will get another $25 dollars.
D&D -
Got in a game of D&D, saddly only one thus far, with Brock, Erin, Bruce, and Joe. It was my first time running a game as a DM and I think it went fairly smooth. It was nice getting a game in since it has been since last September that we played. I enjoy D&D its just so hard to get everyone together for a session it seems. Anyway it was nice to get some ideas and creativity flowing.
![d20 die Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y73/rpandsuch/chxxs2087.jpg)
Cemetary -
Went to put flowers on the graves of some ancestors for Memorial day with Dad, Pam, and Grandma down in Brookville and Harrison. Its nice to look back at the family history every once in awhile and this is a nice family tradition of sorts.
Storm -
As I dedicated a blog to in May we had a major storm hit Decatur County, at home we didn't have any real damage other than being without power for 60 hours. At the museum where I work we lost 8 windows to the hail. I'll refrain from saying much else since I have already covered it in a full blog.
Predator -
Brock moved into an apartment next door to his Mom's house and on memorial day weekend had what I guess you could call a house warming party of sorts. Brock, Bruce, Joe, Erin, Casey, Bruce, Chantel, and I all got together to watch Predator and Predator two on Blu-Ray.
![arnold Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l202/Rodney-B/predator.jpg)
Well i doubt anyone was that intersted in what I did last month, but if you were there is a quick run down of my life! Since I'm not doing a full blog series this month maybe I'll keep up posting the events that are happening/have happened in my life.
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