Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two Weeks Notice, and a New Opportunity

Two Weeks Notice

So today I put two weeks’ notice in today at work, I was nervous doing so. Which I know sounds weird because it’s like what can they do… fire you? You’re quitting so yeah, nothing happens. But it’s more that I always feel like I’m letting my company/job down by quitting. But yeah, around 1 pm today I phoned my boss (couldn’t do it in person since I only see her 2-3 times a month) and let her know what was up and that my last day would be the 31st. It was a brief conversation, I thought it would be longer but nope, that was it no questions asked. Which I’m glad for, it appears that at least for now I will keep working there until the 31st. Though I suppose that they could call me up and tell me not to come in anymore at some point in time. Actually that wouldn’t surprise me as at some point they will have to take me out of the system and make sure everything is in line security wise since I handle a lot of money on a day to day basis. Honestly I don’t know what their protocol is in this instance so I guess I’ll see in the next two weeks here. The good thing about working these next two weeks is that I won’t miss out on that additional income.
 * I hope to post sometime in the next week or so a pro/con review of my last job.

New Opportunity
Also I realize that means I need to say a little something about my new job… as I haven’t mentioned it previously. Reason for that is because I was waiting to see if I got the job before I said anything and maybe jinxed myself by talking about the opportunity.

So in the middle of December my Grandma sent a newspaper article to our house about the Decatur County Historical Society. It sounded interesting and I had interned their one summer while I was in college so I decided to apply for the position, with the expectation that I wouldn’t be close to qualified enough for the job opening.

One of the funny things is I wrote my cover letter and updated my resume while at a training class in Lexington for my current job. Which is kind of sad I guess, but I just happened to be stuck doing that the week after I heard about the opening. I’d also like to give a big thanks to two of my friends Steve and Alex for proof reading and making suggestions on my resume/cover letters.

About two weeks later I was contacted by the search committee who wanted to set up an interview. At this time I was really excited, however they requested to interview me on a Friday… the one day of the week I have no chance of ever getting off at my current job. After speaking to them through some emails and their being very considerate, we were able to change the time so that I was able to get an interview in!

A week later with a lot of hoping, wishing and thinking about it they called me up and offered me the job.

And here we are now, with me putting in my two weeks’ notice. *I also plan on doing a follow up post on my new job either next week or at the very start of February.

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