Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wierd Dream File #5

So another installment of my weird dreams! It's been 10 hours or so since I woke up and even though I tried my best to commit it to memory its getting a little hazy so I'll post what I can remember from last nights adventurous dream.

The dream started with me hanging out at Kris and Katy Jones house with them and Scott... (should note I haven't talked to any of them in 6 weeks or so... thus it was strange they would be in the dream) There house was interesting to say the least... the downstairs was one big living room, and the bedroom was just a bed hanging about 10 feet above the leaving room like a swinging bridge... pretty cool.

Anyway we were going to go to Walmart together because they were starting some huge Christmas Sale and we wanted to be there when it started... Now the Walmart we had to go to was in Indianapolis... and they were living in Shelbyville in the dream, so we had to drive there.

Now that doesn't seem that eventful of a drive, straight up I-74... but in my dream Shelbyville had turned into some black-light carnival/fair town with a strange voodoo/skull theme... there were rollercoasters and fortune tellers all around. It was strange... in some parts of town your car got picked up by a roller coaster and spun around to another part of a road. Also their was purple fog machine smoke everywhere. None of this was scary... just sort of confusing to navigate, but everyone seemed to just accept the fact that Shelbyville had turned itself into this funland/carnival tourist attraction.

We get to the Walmart and its like 8 in the morning and we rush into the store with everyone else who has been waiting for this mega sale. I guess we split up right away because I'm by myself looking at these boxes of movie candy that are for sale for 28 cents! Boom I know that's a deal so I grab 4 boxes and then decide I need a cart, that way I can hit up big deals in electronics and other parts of the store. So I hurry back to the front of the store. I notice that their are huge lines at the checkout... even larger than what you would expect at a walmart... like 30 people at each checkout... they got their for the big sale at 8... but Wal-mart I find out, for whatever crazy reason isn't operating the checkouts till noon... so really their is no reason to be in a rush.

I have to fight my way up to where the carts are when this walmart employ who looks like she is a meth addict sees me going for a cart and knocks the boxes of candy out of my hand with a cane. (sidenote: the cane was an old dirty one like I used to use for showing pigs in 4-H) She is being nasty so I get upset and go to complain to a manager... but when I find one she goes over to the lady, takes her cane and starts poking me with it and calling me names, as does everyone around. So I get upset throw my stuff down on the ground and walkout of the store deciding that the place sucks and I don't need their deals.

I get in a car (I guess we drove separate to Walmart) and somehow am able to easily navigate my way back to Shelbyville and its giant amusement park atmosphere and end up back at Kris and Katy's waiting for them to get back. I remember walking around their house and checking out the cool bedroom setup they had. Only problem with the swinging suspension bed was that you only had a 12 inch walkway around the outside of the upstairs room to squeaze around. Eventually they showed back up and started to show me the good deals they had found.

And around that time I woke up... so I'm not sure where the dream was heading too next.

(Hit the Tag - "Dream" to view previous entries)

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