We set up a date for the 15th, and when it came close to October I did some leg work to get the event mentioned on the radio and printed in the paper as well as made a quick flyer for publicity. I was hoping we'd have a decent turnout, but as always with events like this around Decatur County its tough to judge what people will be willing to come to see.
Anyway things went great on the day of the event, we had around 36 people show up for the talk (which is a wonderful turnout for events like this). I learned a lot more about Wilder than I thought I would, the speaker certainly knew what he was talking about. If there was any negative to take from the event it would be that it went too long for the average audience member. I was told it would be an 80 min presentation but it ended with a time of 2hrs and 45 mins. If we could get him into breaking up the talk into 2 sections... I'd be intersted in putting it on again.
The Crowd
Mr. Jackson with one of his rifles
Showing off a Civil War era rifle that was made in Greensburg, IN.
Looks interesting