Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

I recently started a "choose your own adventure game" in my gang on Hobowars, I'm just using this to chronicle the events as they happen in the game, also any of my blog fans ( all umm 0 of you  ) can read  it if you want.

Your name is Frank and you are 25 years old. You just graduated College and got a job working at a office in Greensfork, Ohio. You have a nice apartment, and everything was going great... that was in till this morning... when the news came out a Zombie outbreak has occurred... You thought it was just a Halloween joke at first but the footage on the news of zombies overturning cars and eating people in all the major cities has convinced you otherwise. At least out here in Ohio it will take them awhile to get here... you hope at least. All of the sudden you hear Greensfork tornado sirens go off.

What do you do?
1) Call your family (they live in Chicago 5hrs away)
2) search the internet for information on zombies
3) check on your neighbors
4) go to work as usual


You decide to get online and find out more information on zombies, I have to know what I'm up against you think! The first place you go is Wikipedia, after reading for about 10 seconds you realize it has been vandalized disappointed you continue searching for more information, you start reading a guide from Resident Evil a video game and discover that you need to remove the head of a zombie or burn it to death to kill it completely.... well I hope it works in real life you think to yourself. Suddenly you hear a scream in the hallway outside of your apartment and a loud banging on your door *thud* *thud* *thud*

what do you do?

1) Hide, hope that whoever is outside goes away
2) Go to the door and yell asking who it is
3) look for a weapon, then open the door quickly to surpirse whatever is outside

You quickly look around you apartment for something to wield as a weapon, after a quick look in the closet you grab a nine iron from your set of golf clubs and approach the door.... *thud* *thud* *thud* comes the knocking on the door again. You still hear screaming and now what seems to be crying.... quickly you open the door...

"Hello" you hear as you swing your golf club with all your might.

Laying on the floor in front of your door is now an older man, you would guess he is in his mid to late 50's lying knocked out from the hit you gave him with the golf club. Across the hall you see your neighbor hastily throwing stuff in a suitcase while his wife is holding onto their screaming 8 year old daughter who doesn't want to leave. The husband looks at you as he slams the door to his apartment shut, "Wow you really hit him good... "
I was worried about Zombies you quickly say

The man still in a panic looks at you and says "Yeah we all are, I'm packing up my family and making a run for it, you should too!"

What do you do?
1) Follow the family as they flee
2) Drag the knocked out man inside your apartment so that you can talk to him when he wakes up.
3) Go back in your apartment leaving the knocked out man in the hall


You watch as the family runs down the hallway and then turn the corner out of your site. What a mess this has turned into you think as you drag your knocked out foe into your house.

After entering the house you lock your door and examine the man, he has a pretty big bump where you clubbed him in the head. He seems to be in his 50's about 5'8 and around 220 lbs making him a chubby sort of man. He has graying hair and a mustache.

You go to the kitchen to get a glass of water on him, he wakes up suddenly. "Damn it! What happened, where am I" He yells. After a few minutes he has calmed down, (he surprisingly gets over the fact that you knocked out quickly, claiming he may have done the same thing)and he explains that he was trying to get a group of people from your apartment to for a resistance to hold out here. He invites you to join his small group and ask you to help him find others in the apartment to join.

What do you do?

1) Tell him no and make a run for it like the other family.
2) Tell him no, you'd rather try and do your own thing for now.
3) Tell him yes and ask him what to do.
You tell him that you want to join his group, he holds out his hand and you shake it, he says "I almost forgot to tell you, my name is Randy."

You ask Randy what he wants you to do, rubbing his sore head he says that he would like to go back up to his apartment and rest a few minutes, but he wants you to see if there is anyone left in the building willing to join the group from the first floor. Randy says he lives in room 304, which is on the top floor of the three story building.

Before Randy leaves he ask if you have any large pans or jugs to store water in, you look through the kitchen but can only come up with one pan to send with him.

After he leaves you grab your 9 iron and head to the first floor, the first door you come to is 301 and no one is home, the second door is 302 and you can hear someone make a noise behind the door when you knock.

what do you do?
1) Break in the door.
2) Wait to see if something answers the door.
3) Wait at the door ready to attack anything that opens it.

You move as far back as you can in the hallway to get a running charge at the door. You take off running as fast as you can ready to shoulder charge the door, right before you hit the door you notice it starting to open.....

As you hit the door with all of your might it swings open, making you fall over and crash on the ground on the other side. You here someone scream, and look up to notice the barrel of a gun pointing at your face

You begin to notice the room around you, in the corner next to the door an older women in her 80's is on the floor, you must have knocked her over when you came charging through the door. The person holding what appears to be a World War II style rifle in your face you assume to be her husband. He also appears to be in his 80's but seems perfectly capable of blowing your brains out at this point.

"I told you Edna!" the old man exclaims, "By golly I told you, a no good young whippier snapper would come in here trying to loot us! Nothing but Thugs, todays youth I tell you."

The old man looks at you and says, what do you have to say for yourself, or should I just go ahead and kill you now....

What do you do?
1) Attempt to explain why you are there
2) Cry and beg for mercy
3) Try to fight the old man, hoping his gun won't work or that you catch him off guard.

Original Comments:
Kris - lol that is a pretty funny thing. Is that a actuall thing they did on hobowars? it is pretty funny

Dustin - It's a game I'm running on hobowars, I write the story and then give them options, and they decide what Frank should do. Then I write some more of the story using their pick.

Dustin - Well I never did keep updating this on here, but if anyone actually reads this the story ended up being 60 pages or so long and if they want to know more from it I can give it to you.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Darkside of the Moon

September 30th, 2006

Roger Waters: Darkside of the Moon Live

Ok, so I have been meaning to make this blog for over a week now, but now I have finally got around to it. So here is the story about the awesome experience that was the concert, so let us begin at the very start.

Last April I heard about the tour (on Hobowars, where else to I get breaking news) that Roger Waters was going on this summer and was immediately interested in going so I told Bruce on MSN that we should go to this concert. After relatively little effort I had him talked into going to the concert with me.

Zoom to about four months later, I still haven't bought the tickets! Tickets were almost 50 bucks after all the cost were added in and that’s just for the lawn seats. So of course everyone reading this knows how much of a tightwad I am with my cash and I began to have second thoughts *gasp* this is where Bruce's constant pestering me to buy the tickets helped talk me into finally shelling out the cash.  Let’s just say that the pestering was probably needed, as 50 bucks is a big purchase for me (Yes I'm a loser who needs to learn how to spend money better.) Anyway a week later the tickets have been mailed to my house (this is about 2 weeks before the concert) so it is just a waiting game until the 30th arrives.

September 30th, Purdue game comes on at 2:30 where I watch till halftime before I head over to Bruce's place before we take off for the concert. I make sure I have my lighter, can't go to a concert without one you know, and drive over to his house.  After talking to him for about 5 mins we board the car and begin the trip to Noblesville. This is where we should have said something epic like the line in "The Blues Brothers"

    Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago,
        we've got a full tank of gas,
        a half a pack of cigarettes,
         it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Jake: Hit it.

But, Alas we didn't utter any epic words at this point in time, so this is defiantly an area we can improve upon whenever we go on another trip.  Part of the trip was spent listening to my Boilermakers play on the radio, sadly... they lost.

We arrived at Verizon at around 5:30, giving us two full hours before the concerts scheduled start. After making it through security we began the quest to find the ticket upgrade booth, Bruce was sure that we would be able to get pavilion seats for only $10 bucks more the day of the concert, but there was no upgrades available for the show. Bruce bought a T-shirt, I did not, the $35 dollar price tag was above my price point. (Yes I know I am cheap, but I'm working on it I tell you!) Anyway we then made out way to find some good lawn seats, and we were successful in that. We found a spot pretty much center row and only about 10 feet back in the lawn.  The next two hours were pretty much uneventful but suspense building. The Speakers were playing music for us to listen to at this point in time, most notably Neil Young songs. I did buy an over priced Margarita at this point, but lets face it Margaritas are awesome.

Now I'm finally going to get to the part of the blog some people might be interested in, at about 7:30 the suspense was getting to the crowd who was ready for the show, the video screen on the background of the stage which showed a bottle of whiskey, an only record player/radio and   a shot glass started to play, and the crowd all stood up and began to clap only to hear Chuck Berry's "Roll over Beethoven". Which started the trend for everyone to get a little excited whenever a song ended, in hopes that Roger would come on the stage, but this was just a mean trick being played on us, we would end up listening to 30 mins of songs while the screen showed the person listening to the radio, smoke a cigarette, drink 2 shots of whiskey and play with the radio. However when 8:00 hit the house lights went off and the place went crazy as Roger and his band took the stage.

Here is the Set List for the Show

Set One

   1. In the Flesh
   2. Mother
   3. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
   4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I - V) (abridged)
   5. Have a Cigar
   6. Wish You Were Here
   7. Southampton Dock
   8. The Fletcher Memorial Home
   9. Perfect Sense, Parts 1 and 2
  10. Leaving Beirut
  11. Sheep

Set Two (The Dark Side of the Moon)

   1. Speak to Me/Breathe
   2. On the Run
   3. Time
   4. The Great Gig in the Sky
   5. Money
   6. Us and Them
   7. Any Colour You Like
   8. Brain Damage
   9. Eclipse


   1. Another Brick in the Wall, Part II
   2. Bring the Boys Back Home
   3. Comfortably Numb

    First Set.. Started out great. It was a cold night and I was only wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but I didn't feel cold at all once they started playing. "In the Flesh" is really the best Pink Floyd song to start a concert to, and I was really impressed with the song "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" I hadn't really listened to it much before the concert but it is one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs now. The Video gave it a creepy feeling I guess with four guys wondering around in a field. I should mention that throughout the whole concert the backstage  was a video screen that displayed an interesting backdrop for the entire show. I think this is about the time that the "Man in a red hat" showed up... he was basically an older man (in his 50's I'd guess) who was as tall as me or maybe a little taller... and throughout the whole first set he spent his time slowly moving to the left. He was in front of us and would become a slight annoyance for me around the song "Leaving Beirut" Also in front of him a group of pot smoking hippies were warming up with the crazy and dumb "interpretive dancing" I call it that because they failed there hands in the air a lot and wiggled their bodies in what reminded me of watching an interpretive dancer... Back to the music, the show was still going great. "When Wish You Were Here" I pulled out my lighter and raised it in the air with everyone else in the crowd,  it was a cool experience.  "Leaving Beirut" was a new Roger Waters song that I had never heard before, it was kind of interesting, and I was able to use my French skills to read what the video screen was saying when parts of it were in French.. So I guess taking French has now officially helped me out :| . The last song of the set was "Sheep" a song I was greatly looking forward to, because I wanted to get a picture of the giant inflatable pig. I wasn't disappointed at all when the pig came out was was excited to see it sail right over my head on its way to the back of the lawn where it was the released into the sky. It was a great ending to the first half of the concert.

    The band took a well deserved intermission here, and man in the red hat left. The video screen now showed a picture of the moon that continued to get closer as the intermission drew to a close.

    2nd set, Bruce and I agreed we were happy to see that the man in the red had left, but right before the first song started we saw him coming back. However, we were able to squeeze forward forcing him to walk behind us for the rest of the concert. (of course he kept moving left and was standing on my left before to long) However, by moving forward, we put ourselves into the dancing hippie stoners, who continued to run into use with their dumb dancing the whole 2nd set.. but it was ok because the concert was still awesome. The songs kept coming one after another and were as great as you would imagine if you are a Pink Floyd fan. "Money" stands out for me because at the end of it one of the stoners turned to me and said in a tone of voice that someone would use when stating their final evidence to win a grand argument "Look at that Fucking Green Moon!" and well I couldn't argue with that logic... the backstage showed a green moon, and it was an awesome song... The 2nd set was the Darkside of the Moon album in its entirety so if you have heard that you know that the songs all flow together to make a great album, which held true when preformed live. "Brain Damage" is my favorite Pink Floyd song so it was awesome to hear it played. I think this was the time when the same stoner as earlier said his second best line of the night "That’s the best song I've ever seen".

    The second set ended and everyone was cheering like crazy, so they came back out for their encore. Luckily for us at this time the hippies decided to dance in the aisle way so we didn't have to worry about their flying elbows :P The Encore featured the awesome "Another Brick in the Wall, Part II" sadly they didn't add the "You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!" ending of the song which I always thought was awesome. One of Pink Floyd's most famous songs "Comfortably Numb" ended what was a great show. We then began the mass exodus out of the car, With Bruce's knowledge we were able to make it out of Verizon in less than an hour which I thought was great.

    We stopped to eat at Taco Bell on the way home and were luckily to squeeze in before they closed, also we were listening to the radio station and every time we heard a great song Bruce said how can they top that... and they pretty much always did, which meant we ended up rocking out to "Come Sail Away" before we could eat taco bell... and well that’s about it... So hopefully I did a good job of telling the story of the concert.

Original Comments:

Kris - wow sounded like you had fun. would have been cool to be there. if u go to a concert u have to get a shirt! gosh! lol quit being a tightwad :P:P:P:P jkjkjk no im the same way. it killed me to buy the korn shirt but i had to!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rules of the Road

Ok, I decided to officially compile my complete version of passenger responsibilities.  Now everyone likes going on a ride with there friends from time to time, but few people know the that there are actual jobs assigned to each person riding in the car! Knowing these simple job responsibilities could mean the difference between the most awesome road trip ever or the roadtrip to Hell


Seat Position #1 - Captain
Yes the fearless leader, the one calling the shots, and yes the one with the keys. The Captain job is of no small importance, without the captain this trip would be getting no where.


1. control of the radio - just remember not to cause a mutiny with your music taste

2. Driving - Some would think this is obvious

3. Tie Breaker - As the Captain you have the tie breaking power in any dispute while on the road
4. Delegating - Sometimes jobs come up that aren't covered or you don't have a full car, in this case its up to you to delegate these responsibilities to others.

Seat Position #2 - Shotgun
Ah, the coveted position of all road trip riders, shotgun! just remember that by calling this position you are also taking on a major responsibility.

1. Looking for and Shooting any Indians who may attack - this is your #1 priority, don't forget it. Many road trips have ended sadly when an Indian raiding party kills and scalps all abroad just because the person riding shotgun let their guard down... please heed this warning!

2. In the event of an epic guitar solo coming on the radio you may be force to perform the epic air guitar solo in order than the driver may keep both hands on the wheel.

Seat Position #3 - Navigator

Yes, the backseat driver... you love to hate them...

1. Remembering where the car is parked! that is your primary objective, don't let the captain down.

2. Keeping track of the map, if the car gets lost, it's your fault.

3. Knowing where the trip is heading, don't let other side missions make the crew forget what the final destination is.

Seat Position #4 - Head Cook
Can't have your crew starving you know!


1. Keeping track of the Cooler/Drinks

2. Suggesting places to eat at when asked

3. Reading signs for food places when looking for one.

 Seat Position #other - Doctor

Sometimes you have a fifth rider, doesn't mean they get a free ride! In the case of another rider your crew will benefit from having a Doctor onboard.Responsibilities:

1. Inquire regularly about the health of each member of the crew and report to the Captain.

2. If someone vomits.... you are cleaning it up

So there you go, I hope knowing these simple rules will help make your next trip successful and more pleasant

Special thanks to the people who rode with me when these ideas were getting hammered out, and for adding there ideas at the time... namely - Casey, Bruce, Chantel, and Steve

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006

May 18th 2006 - Life Plan

Originally posted on Myspace

My Future?
Ok, so I've been saying I'd make a blog for umm 4-5 months so now it happens so you can all rejoice (well hopefully someone reads it)

So I got home for Summer over a week ago and now am hunting for a job, yes sad times... no more being a bum and time to make some cash . Anyway it leads me to think of the question that everyone has been asking for years but I still have no answer too... "What do you want to do after school?"

People start asking you this question when you are in elementary school... well I've never had an answer and I still have no idea I mean I'm half way through getting my History degree... but what will I do with it... I don't know. Anyway back four or five years ago I came up with a top 3 future jobs list to keep people at bay.... So I will present them once again....

#3) Breadstick refiller at Fazzoli's-
Yes, that’s right... the dude who passes out the breadsticks every five mins or so to people sitting in the store. Sure the job isn't conventional, and many would frown on it, but honestly who doesn't love getting free breadsticks! delivered right to your table hot and fresh! The pay might not be great but think of the gratification you could earn in the smiles of the customers However, it would be wierd to be a forty year old man handing out the breadsticks, and every person working the job that I've seen either walked with a limp or was a foreigner... and I don't know how many more people I can trick into thinking I'm a Puerto Rican As for the limp, that could be arranged but I do like walking normal... So maybe this isn't the job for me after all

#2) Dictator of my own island country
Try to tell me that this wouldn't be an awesome job... yeah you know it would rock! Chillin out on the beach while hot women fan your body, because you are the beloved ruler of their country. I'd make Groundhog's day the country's largest day of celebration so everyone knew how cool it was... and our Flag would have a Jackalope on it! Yeah it'd be pretty awesome, and I'd be such a great leader I'm sure However, I do realize that there are several downfalls to this job, the first and most obvious is the lack of job positions, I mean I don't even know where I would apply at... I'd probably have to make a billion dollars doing something else just to have the funds to start my own country from scratch , Since I'm not in the army I can't do it Castro style so I'd be like 50 atleast before I could start . A second main problem is the high death rate, I mean most dictators are at an extreme risk for assassination, which wouldn't be that fun of a thing to experience, sure Castro has been in power forever, but can you name another dictator in power for more than 20 years? So this looks like an unlikely plan for my future...

So that brings us to #1.... Drum Roll Please..................

#1) Nomad
Yeah thats right, the dudes who live out in the desert and herd goats around and stuff. Yeah, Yeah, everyone says this is a retarded choice as a number one career back up plan or whatever, but I'm still sticking with it. Nomads get to wander around wherever they want! Sure you have to herd goats but hey I have experience I live on a farm and we have like twenty goats out in the barn, I'm sure I could survive leading them around and living off the land. It sounds like a fun challenge to me, though I am the man who wants to get on the TV show Survivor! Also if you’re a nomad you get to grow one of those cool nomad beards and no one will think it’s strange since you are a nomad! Also I would get to follow in the footsteps of my hero, Genghis Khan, the great Mongol Warlord! The man who conquered anything he wanted I could go on about how cool the great khan was but I'll save that for some other time... Some people will say but Dustin, you won't get any money and be poor and stuff, and to that I say who cares... I can just conquer the world if need be! Nomads live in Yurts and that is just cool, so if you see someone walking down the highway following 20 goats... just wave at me. Now there is one major downfall to being a nomad... no electricty =  no internet and we all know I'm addicted to internet... so that’s the only problem right now.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this blog, and maybe I've given you some new ideas for your future plans!

Also I think ending a blog with lyrics is dumb.... So I'll end it a smart way!


Original comments:

Bruce – Sounds like you got a mapped out plan
Chantel - You could be the awesome breadstick filler that is unique and stands out because he DOESN'T limp! *gasp*
Kris - Dustin... The man with a plan.... O yeah... You should be Duff man... How cool would that Be?