So the Crew got together again this year for Chantel's 22nd birthday! Chantel/Joe/Bruce/Megan/Casey/Cassie/Brock and myself all went to Dave and Buster's to celebrate with her.
It was a blast, hanging out and playing games... we had 2 hours to kill before we got seated to eat. However, the food service wasn't that great it took forever to get served... so we all busted out our phones and text each other and took some photos. (I wish I had more but no one was an offical phototaker... I got these because I was tagged in them on facebook). There was also Bruce's big chicken finger fiasco :P
Joe and I at Dave and Buster's waiting to for our food
After dinner it was back to games for anyone who still had some credits on their card and then to the prize room....which had a bouncer!
After we got back I took Casey home (she was tired and needed to sleep for work in the morning) and Met Erin in Shelbyville (she had to work during the afternoon) and headed back to Joe's for a couple games of King's and more hanging out.
Erin and I at Joe and Chantel's
Erin and I again