Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Howie at Daniel Boone's Grave

Bruce, Steve, Casey and I packed up the Soul to take Howie to Daniel Boone’s grave. I had been there before with my Dad in 2007 when we went on the Bourbon Trail. Actually we had planned on going to some distilleries when we were down there, but poor time management failed us on that.
















Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Howie in Vegas!

Mom, Dad and Howie went to Las Vegas this March, here are some of the sights Howie Checked out.












Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Howie Geo-Caching

Bruce had really wanted to go Geo-Caching so we did and Took Howie along for the ride of course!. We found I believe 4 of the 7 things we were looking for; it was a fun afternoon driving around Decatur and Shelby counties looking for hidden caches.














Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weird Dream File

So Its been a long time since I wrote about one of my strange dreams, and I had a weird one last night so I thought I would type it up......

So this dream takes place in North Decatur Elementary school and we start in the classroom where Mr. Hadler's class used to be. Now in my dream the kids where all 5th grade versions of people I went to school with, except I was my normal 24 yr old self, so yeah I was like an adult in 5th grade. Also the teachers moved class to class instead of the students like we did back in 5th grade. Way back in 1996? I was in Mr. Field's class.

Anyway the dream starts out in the first class and this teacher is a large guy who is trying really hard to be funny, he also has a really happy voice. But all he does is sit in his chair and talk to us. Everyone is putting thier stuff in their cubby holes and sitting there. I'm looking around who is in class but this part is mostly uneventful. He is telling jokes, I'm noticing how weird it is for me to be myself in 5th grade, some of the kids are trying to impress me, as this is apparently like my first day in 5th grade so the teacher introduces me and everything.

Next a new teacher walks in, this guy is normal sized, middle aged and serious. Whenever a new teacher comes in the desk are rearranged automatically and you have to run and find your desk. Anyway this guy wants to play a movie and turns off the lights right away, I was having trouble finding my desk and finally just grab an empty one (absent kid?). But I need a piece of paper to take notes and all of that is in my desk. So I'm trying to steal a piece of paper from this kid without him knowing. I'm doing good but the 5th grade version of Steve Runyan saw me and was going to tell on me. However after I figured out who he was, he turned into his current 24 yr old version and didn't care. So I was no longer the only huge 5th grader. Also during the movie my glasses kept breaking, this was annoying and I kept trying to fix them. But after putting them back on my head a couple minutes later they would break again and much worse.

Finally the next teacher comes in, she is younger (like Steve and my age in the dream) and apparently hadn't been teaching long. At this point I gave up trying to see with my glasses so it was pretty blurry. I didn't try to keep up with the lesson, the desk had moved so we had all run around and I had found mine this time. Steve was also near as well and we were just talking about stupid stuff when the teacher got frustrated and had a pop quiz to get back at us. But we both passed (we are smarter than 5th graders!) also a lot of other kids fail and this really frustrates the teacher, we are about to get in a chalk board long division dual with the teacher when it is suddenly special class time and we have to go to the library!

So the library is where the empty 5th grade classroom used to be. When you walk in the door on the right is the checkout desk and normal library stuff.... on the left a huge waterpark/pool thing. It was in a roman architecture style, imagine a large bath (think like the Washington monuments reflection pool) running down the center with columns supporting multiple layers from which a waterfall flows into the pool. When I got in here I could seen normal (I guess my glasses where fixed) also my classmates where gone and it was just like Roman women in togas carrying around water in vases. I was told the book I needed was at the top where the waterfall started so I had to head back that way. When I got to the back it was really steamy and I kept thinking man this is got to be bad for the books! too much water and humidity. Also I saw a couple weird blue merfolk women on like the 2nd level but I was on a mission to get to the top for my book. I had just found the escalator to the third floor when I woke up.

So there you have it a weird dream, I'll try to post more of these as they happen.

Howie and the Pink Elephant

On March 6th Megan and I took Howie for a photo Op with a Giant Pink elephant holding a martini glass



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Series 2

Day 02

Your favourite movie

This one was tougher, I like a lot of different movies... interestingly enough most of my favorites involve a lot of violence... that or they are cartoons. I have been thinking about this for a couple of hours and settled on Kill Bill vol. 1, it has animation, action, solid soundtrack, and even a little pit of humor. The main decider for me was thinking... which movie if it came on TV right now would I stop to watch most often.

the trailer is below, along with honorable mentions.

Honorable mention list...

Sin City, The Road Warrior, Boondock Saints, Great Mouse Detective.

Like I said I decided by thinking of a movie I could be in the mood for anytime, so classics like Citizen Kane didn't stand a chance because its not like your just going to sit down and watch that anytime.

still to come...
Day 03
Your favourite television program

Day 04
Your favourite book

Day 05
Your favourite quote

Day 06
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 07
A photo that makes you happy

Day 08
A photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 09
A photo you took

Day 10
A photo of you taken over ten years ago

Day 11
A photo of you taken recently

Day 12
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 13
A fictional book

Day 14
A non-fictional book

Day 15
A fanfic

Day 16
A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Day 17
An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

Day 18
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 19
A talent of yours

Day 20
A hobby of yours

Day 21
A recipe

Day 22
A website

Day 23
A YouTube video

Day 24
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 25
Your day, in great detail

Day 26
Your week, in great detail

Day 27
This month, in great detail

Day 28
This year, in great detail

Day 29
Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 30
Whatever tickles your fancy

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Series 1

Ok, I stole this from Casey, and yes I know my Feb. blog crashed and died. But here we go with March, simple and easy one so hopefully some others will join in. I'm looking at you Megan and Emily :P

Day 01
Your favorite song

Hotel California by the Eagles

still to come..
Day 02

Your favourite movie

Day 03
Your favourite television program

Day 04
Your favourite book

Day 05
Your favourite quote

Day 06
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 07
A photo that makes you happy

Day 08
A photo that makes you angry/sad

Day 09
A photo you took

Day 10
A photo of you taken over ten years ago

Day 11
A photo of you taken recently

Day 12
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 13
A fictional book

Day 14
A non-fictional book

Day 15
A fanfic

Day 16
A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Day 17
An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

Day 18
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 19
A talent of yours

Day 20
A hobby of yours

Day 21
A recipe

Day 22
A website

Day 23
A YouTube video

Day 24
Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 25
Your day, in great detail

Day 26
Your week, in great detail

Day 27
This month, in great detail

Day 28
This year, in great detail

Day 29
Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days

Day 30
Whatever tickles your fancy