Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Snapshots 29

So thats what 176 dollars worth of postage looks like... a little unimpressive eh?


Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer Snapshots 24



I had the idea to suspend him in jello, all went well until I tried to remove the jello from the container so you could see him better, I don't think I let it set long enough ;)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Snapshots 18

The Hippo eyes the "Bad Idea Button" (the light bulb crossed out)


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Summer Snapshots 11

In the event of an Emergency.... Dial H for the Hippo


its kind of hard to see him, but it is above the arrow on the sign, otherwise I like how this photo came out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sommer Snapshots 7

1973 was a happening year.... we know because we have the commemorative plate!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Snapshots 3

A Recent outbreak of the Rabies Virus makes the hippo its latest victim!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Snapshots

New Blog Series Starting today... Summer Snapshots (still looking for a better name and open to suggestions!) The challenge... take a picture of the same "random object" in a different place every day for the who month so 31 pictures in all. Just post the picture and a caption that is a maximum of one sentence long (no run-on sentences allowed ;) ).

In a day or two I will link everyone who is doing the challenge with me, please join in if you are a reader, the more the merrier! I think this time will be the best turn out for a blog challenge ever (hey it involves the least amount of writing for you lazy people so no excuse on that) I think we will have Casey, Megan, possibly a couple of Megan’s sisters, myself and I'm hoping to get Steve (Sassy Bill) to join in as well.

I'll be taking all of my pictures with my Iphone so the quality won't be the best, but it is easily portable and I encourage any others who wish to join in to just use their phone if they don't have a nice camera.

So without further ado, here we go...


The Minn Moe and a farming Hippo
My random object is a small plastic hippopotamus in case you are wondering... you'll see a lot of him this month