Anyway, without further ado... here is my humble abode.

This is the entrance way right as you walk in the door, as you can see it has become more or less.... storage room right now, I'll be hauling this stuff out next time I run home to my parents house hopefully, but as of right now this spot here is working fine for me.
Now lets move on to my kitchen, which is actually I guess my favorite part of the apartment as I like to cook, and after living in a hotel room for three months its an awesome feeling to have a full size fridge and a stove! (though I'm pretty effective with just a microwave and electric skillet).

Looking in my fridge you will see.... eggs (fresh from my recent visit to my parents), grape sugar-free walmart brand kool-aid, pickled beets, some lean ground turkey, yogurt, Kroger brand diet root beer, and various condiments. In the freezer you can find a bunch of frozen vegetables, and a couple pieces of frozen chicken.

Now lets move to the cupboards, which are kind of bare...

my plastic plates (call me crazy but I like plastic plates), carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, green beans, apple sauce, and some soups. Finally my spice cabinet area is decently stocked up, though there are still a few things I need to add. Also in other pictures you saw my microwave and rice cooker. I still need to buy myself a knife set, a good set of pots and pans, a baking sheet, and some flatware but I can make due with what I have right now. Finally the last picture is of my sink and dishwasher.
Now we move to my living room, but first a quick shot of my computer which needs to be unpacked... and I need to buy Internet service to restore it to its glory :P

As you can see my bed has improved somewhat... I slept the first 3 or 4 nights on just a sleeping bag with no pillow... then I got the futon mattress, and now just as of 2 nights ago I got the mattress, and a pillow so I'm moving on up in the world. I'm getting a bunk bed soon though so I will be set. But as of right now this is pretty comfortable.

Now lets look at the living room, as you can see I have plenty of closet space which is nice, but you will also notice the suprising lack of furnature, yet another thing I need to work on.... but hey I have a very portable chair! a TV (which will work until the 16th of June) and my Xbox which works as a DVD player. My Wii is still unpacked next to the computer but I will get it out soon.

Here is a view from my window, I have a second floor room as you can tell. I can't complain about my neighborhood at all, its diverse and seems nice so far though I have yet to really meet any of my neighbors, I've only seen them in passing.

Finally we move on to my bathroom, at the entrance way you can see my washer and dryer combo which is really nice after having to do your laundry at a laundry mat for 3 months.

The Bathroom is small, and nothing special but you can see the cool Purdue shower curtain my mom got me.
So there you have it.... my apartment, I'll update this once I get some more furniture... until then I'll just claim I'm living a minimalist life... maybe I should try that as a way to pick up women?