Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23rd - Unfinished

So we all have things that we mean to accomplish but never fully follow through on or maybe some things that we used to enjoy doing but never make time for anymore. I’m normally pretty good at finishing what I start but here is a list of six things that I started but never finished or wish I hadn’t quit doing.

Six things I started and regret not finishing/following through on.

1. Cinco de Murder

This is a horror film that Bruce, Casey, Chantel and I planned out I think three years ago now, there at first was legitimate reasons for delaying this due to an accident involving the script, my computer, a glass of water, and my sister. However I have the script fully completed now. I also even bought a video camera to film this movie with, so really we should finish this thing as it could defiantly be fun and Casey even thinks we could get it into a B movie festival at her school this fall if we complete it early enough this summer. Right now our biggest snags are finding time for all of us to get together for a day or two, and the fact that one of our cast members passed away last summer. (Fudge) Still everyone agrees it needs to be completed; we just need to make it happen.

2. Choose your own adventure zombie story.

This is somewhat of a message board game I created on Hobowars, I was writing a zombie survival story with “choose your own adventure” items for the members of my gang (group of friends who work together on the game). I’d write a section and offer 3 or 4 directions for the story to go next, the readers would vote for their favorite option and then I’d post the next section of the story written based on their selection. I’d like to think it was fairly entertaining and successful, I think it was up to like 70 pages in a word document (though a lot of room was taken up by the reader options). Unfortunately I got busy with school and behind on my writing and it fell to the back burner and then off the grid as a short term break became extended. And sadly I think the last traces of the story disappeared with the computer accident mentioned with #1 on this list.

3. Learning computer programming

My Sr. year of High School I took a computer programming class and I really loved it. It was the best class I took in high school and probably college as well. Only problem was that the class covered a language that isn’t really used by anyone at all… TrueBasic. When I got to college I wanted to take a programming class, but allowed myself to be talked out of it by my guidance councilor and parents who didn’t think it was a serious option since I had just decided I liked programming after that one class. Though in hindsight my first major choice of Biochemistry was made on the thought that I liked Biology and Chemistry…. And I had to choose something and the deciding factor in choosing to attend Purdue was because I had always been a Purdue Basketball fan and wanted to be in the Gene Pool. So they did let me sign up for one computer class that freshman year, but it was intro to Microsoft office which I dropped as soon as I saw the boring/unchallenging curriculum. Looking back I wish I had tried a few programming classes as analytical things like that are right up my alley.

4. Warhammer 40k

This isn’t something I didn’t finish as much as I just stopped doing; Warhammer 40k is a table top board game my Dad and I used to play. I got the game for Christmas when I was in 5th grade and played through my Jr. year in high school. You play the game with miniatures and dice, it is fun to play but we ran into the problem of no one to play against but each other. I always told myself I’d find a group to play with in college, but I was out of the loop rules wise as a new edition (it had a 300+ page rule book) was released and just never did pick it up again. Though it’s something I keep telling myself I should get back into as I did enjoy it as a hobby.

5. Paintball

Like Warhammer this is a hobby that I sort of quit on due to lack of people to play against. I only really did it for one summer, but it was a lot of fun. Problem is I think I burnt out all of my friends who I used to play against as in the next couple summers their guns were broke, they couldn’t afford paintballs, or we just couldn’t get enough people together to make it worthwhile. (Really you need at least 4 to make it worthwhile and 6+ is ideal.) I still have all of my paintball stuff, but I haven’t played in over two years.

6. Writing a journal

This may sound girly, but I always thought writing a journal would be something interesting to do, so that I’d have it to look back on. I mean a lot of famous people write/wrote/have written journals on their life. However I think the best I ever did was like 15 days before I quit, honestly I think my life is too boring right now but I need to make myself give it another shot.

So there is today’s summer six pack, six unfinished/quit things from my past that I regret now.

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