Monday, June 1, 2009


So yesterday was my Birthday and I umm did something crazy… Well Crazy for me at least, Crazy for someone who hates spending money with a passion. Everybody knows I’m extremely frugal with my money, I mean I have felt buyers remorse over buying things as small as a soft drink before, I’ll often go without instead of spending and yes I’ll always stop to pick up a penny in the street even if its tails side up ;) I’m getting better at spending money since I’ve had to move out on my own and thus had to start buying more stuff.. For some reason I get more enjoyment out of knowing I have money than I do in having things, honestly I’m never saving for anything in particular just saving for the enjoyment of saving.

But anyway you are probably wondering what “crazy” purchase I might have possibly made… you are probably thinking of something like a new TV. (well my old one will be useless when the digital thing goes in effect next week) but you would be wrong (I decided saving money was better than having TV anyway).. Well I’ve been looking for something different to drive for a long time now (over a year) since the Monte is old and the van is getting beat down… well I finally bought something….

And NO its not some $500.00 piece of junk… It’s a brand new car…

Honestly I have been super nervous since I bought it, and what the payments me towards me not being able to save money, and how I can cut back on other things in order to extra on the payments while still saving some money back for a rainy day fund. I’m holding up better than I though I would, I honeslty figured that by now I’d hate myself for spending so much money…

So what did I buy?










A Kia Soul!

for pictures....
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