Friday, September 30, 2011

If 4th Graders ruled the town

So I was subbing a class of 4th graders today and they had a writing lesson to work on for next week... the prompt was "If Kids Rules The Town" they are instructed to list one reason/thing that adults are doing wrong, why kids would rule it better, and what changes they would make. We started the work time by having a brainstorming session... which yielded some intersting results/ideas...

Real Ideas from the Class:

There will be no school.... except for GUN SCHOOL!

Everything will be free for kids

Kids will teach the teachers

Pizza will be free

There will be better food choices...other than subway

There will be kid marines

There will be a kid SWAT team

Kids will get Slaves!

Kids will get submarines (so they can look for suken treasure)

They will design a flag

One girl wanted to "fill the town with cats" and then "get some frogs and sing with them"

There will be indoor hot tubs


I hope these kids don't rule the town/world anytime soon...

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