Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pet Peeve

So I realized the other day that I have a pet peeve of people using hand sanitizer. At my job we have a bottle that sits on the customers side of the glass, and also there is a hand sanitizer station at the bank I go to every morning for work.

I'm not sure why it bothers me, its just something about the smug "I don't mind if I do" look that they get when they notice it, and make a move for it. The annoying "spurt" sound that the pump makes, and finally the way they rub their hands.

So maybe its silly, but it really has been annoying me recently.


  1. i don't know why i lmao'd at this so much....

  2. It's because you can see the people's smug look and them rubbing their hands and you know exactly what I mean. Imagine if you had a bottle of free hand sanitizer at your station and how people would react... yep

  3. I keep hand sanitizer in my purse and in my car. I can't stand for my hands to feel dirty. I use sanitizer after I pump gas, use an atm and after I leave a store. Really, I'm probably someone who would annoy you :p
